Over-financed. 🙂 This new term deserves to be added to our dictionary. https://t.co/PzueTpkC29
— Vetri Subramaniam (@VetriSmv) October 12, 2015
RT @alphaideas Repost: Indian long term equity return of 16% is a fairy tale https://t.co/IFjcW8znnP
— Mahesh (@invest_mutual) October 12, 2015
If You Thought China's Equity Bubble Was Scary, Check Out Bonds - Bloomberg https://t.co/TJsFZ4k33C
— Ashish Chauhan BSE (@ashish_chauhan1) October 11, 2015
Hes dressed provocatively, selling 'sexually stimulating' noodles.Wer r Khaps? 🙂 @TimesNow @NewsX @sardesairajdeep https://t.co/5oCkhpvM2C
— uncannybal (@uncannybal) October 10, 2015
How to avoid bear market - KENNETH ANDRADE - For my friends who r obsessed abt avoiding next 2007-08 🙂 https://t.co/E6y0nFaOEh [including me
— Anil Kumar Tulsiram (@Anil_Tulsiram) October 1, 2015
I have seen varied strategies: Fundamental,Quant,Technical,Trend,Arb etc work well.The weakest link in any strategy is the practitioner's EQ
— Vetri Subramaniam (@VetriSmv) September 27, 2015
Robo Advisory Stellar return until you Read the Fine Print pic.twitter.com/YBIjR9Rirc
— SKaRe (@jace48) October 11, 2015
Some MFs called "Don't tweet abt Dividend Strip. Bad for industry" Oh, so doing it is fine, but tweeting abt is bad https://t.co/HS0makJb9C
— Manoj Nagpal (@NagpalManoj) October 10, 2015