Welspun India and Trading Technically Presentation

This is the Welspun India chart of the previous post


This is how the chart looks now

Welspun India breakout

We did a webinar last Saturday.

Here is the presentation which was used in the Webinar.


One can download the Webinar Recording from the link below.

Webinar Recording – Trading Technically and Market View.


( Its a social pay download where you need to either tweet or facebook it to get the download the link)

Disclosure – Please do read the disclaimer and the above webinar is purely for educational or timepass purpose. Do your own risk management.

I have vested interests in all stocks, index discussed and hence the bias. My biased views and opinions does gel with my trading strategy/risk management and may not necessarily work for you so do your own research and risk management.

Do send us your criticism /feedback on nooreshtech@analyseindia.com so can improve in the next webinars.

For all the people in Delhi –

The Investing Lab-Bridging Theory and Practice–Training Program Delhi 30-31st May 2015 !!

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