If something is Paid its Expensive/Not Worth. If its free , there is a Catch !

Before i write a small post on the above sentence let me repeat this


If something is Paid its Expensive / Not Worth. If its free , there is a Catch !


1) The first part of the sentence is – Paid is expensive/Not Worth is a standard thought process.

The next step is to bargain/negotiate for a discount or wait for a discount. The last step is to look for a free alternative. If not than again try to find a cheaper alternative. In the process what you really needed in the first place is diluted.


Why do you think Malls keep sales like Buy 3 get 2 Free so that you end up buying 5 out of which 2 would be what you dont need and the seller wants to part with in the end of season.


We continue to face this thought process amongst people  for our advisory/training services.


-> Please give me a free trial for 2/5/7 days.

-> I will subscribe if you give me a discount.

-> Your subscription charges are very expensive.

-> You are charging 14k for 2 days training. That is exorbitant.


We have found no solution to it 🙂


This is and will remain the thought process even when we go to doctors. We keep looking for the one who charges 500 rs per consultation instead of the one who charges 2000 rs and many a times without considering who is better.


So next time you look out for a product think on what you exactly want and how important is it. Than start looking for the best products and finally look at the price and decide whether to go for it or not.


( A recent experience was going to the right orthopedic saved me a surgery which would have cost me a couple of lakhs and 15 – 30 days of extra bed rest ).


Sometimes going for a cheaper / free alternative can cost you in terms of health and wealth :).


2) The second part of the sentence is – If its Free there is a Catch.


Most of the times any advice or knowledge sharing is never valued ? Because one has not paid a price for it or there is always a hidden motive in it.


Its absolutely a fact that nothing comes free in this world but everything free is also not useless 🙂


Say for example the blog i have been writing today for last 8 years clearly has a motive to sell our advisory/training and other services. But is that the only motive ? 


I can comfortably say the selling motive has not been completed;) as barely a few number of the people who read this blog tend to go for our products. But hopefully many have benefitted even with the free blog 🙂


This is an open ended post with no conclusions but just a quick thinking process as to how to decide going for a quality product which you need.


So next time you go to a doctor/lawyer/ advisor or anyone think whether its important or not 🙂 and how much could it cost to look for a free or cheaper alternative.

Indian Equities – Post Election Boom or Doom – Seminar in Mumbai on 6th July 2014




Going by the mood of the post .

This is a paid product with an exorbitant cost of Rs 1499 for a lunch and tea/coffee. You can give it a skip and attend a free seminar somewhere or wait when we offer a discount or do it for free next time.




Nooresh Merani



Twitter – https://twitter.com/nooreshtech

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/nooreshtech



  1. bhanu
    July 2, 2014

    hi Nooresh,

    First time I felt your blog a little frustrated and desperate, May be I am wrong. the point I wanted to make is that I’ve been following your blog since 2006–7 , and believe me on a daily basis (extra attention on weekends 🙂 ). Recommended many friends, Praised a lot about your accuracy and insight, all people who are following you and not able to make it to the seminar’s are your future customer, (pipeline) as we are already sold to you, it is just a matter of time.
    Sincerely Wish you a lot of success and prosperity .

    1. Nooresh
      July 3, 2014

      Hi Bhanu,

      Actually its been a good time 😉 in markets so no frustration. I read a line something similar to this on a facebook post 🙂

      It was a tongue in cheek post 🙂

      Thanks for your kind words.




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