In the last few months we have been coming out with a monthly report in which we discuss Nifty View, Large Cap Trade Setups, Midcap Breakout trades and so on. Also we think post the strong majority government in place this will create a strong move in selective midcaps in coming months. We would try to focus on a mix of short term and medium term investments in coming reports.
We came out with a report in December , January, April. Yes we skipped February as we could not find a lot of positional bets. We have as of now not come out with a report in May , but will ideally come out with a report in coming weeks.
As we generally come out with a report whenever we find good trading setups in midcaps and large caps it is not released on a fixed date. Also the report is only open for subscription only for 3-4 days.
By taking this service you can pre-order the monthly report. We may come out with a report in May or June. ( Please note you are entitled to only one monthly report as and when it is released)
You can order the report by subscribing it on this link below
Do note post the release of the report it would be priced at Rs 1499.
As soon as we release the report it will be sent via e-mail to you. So please put in an e-mail which you check regularly.
For more details
or mail or call Nooresh 09819225396 or Ankit 09899899989
Thanks and Regards,
Nooresh Merani
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Things to Note
The report has been made on basis of technical analysis and in good faith.
Past Performance is not a guarantee to the future. ( so even I have been wrong many a times before its not necessary I ll be again and vice versa )
Do not over-leverage.
Also do take care of the risk management and keep a strict stoploss. If you cannot afford the stoploss don’t take the trade.
One of the ideal ways to trade would be to book partial profits and keep trailing stoplosses to reduce risk and conserve profits.
No trading strategy allocation has been advised as every trader may have a different style and methodology for allocation of funds.