What is Nifty Calculator ?
-> As per the weightages given by NSE for Nifty stocks we have created the Nifty Calculator.
-> Change the expected price and the expected Nifty will change accordingly
-> Create 3 different sheets for yourself–
Pessimistic ( where you put the worst possible prices you think . Default 10% down )
Optimistic ( the best prices possible. Default 10% up)
Neutral/Rational/Technical / Fundamental ( prices on any reasoning )
Please Note as weightages change every day by small margin this will not give an accurate estimate but will be approximate.
How to Guess?
- Everyone has a view on Nifty based on Macro, PE, Valuations, Technicals, Waves etc. Try to grill it down to the constituents. It should be a reflection of your actual guesstimate.
- Just estimating wild scenarios on the top 20 stocks is enough given the 80% weight.
- Start with changing default fall to 5-10-15-20-40-80 or rise to 5-10-20-40-80.
- Then change stocks which you think may not do the default move.
Interesting Observations
- Top 10 stocks constitutes 60.50% of Nifty
- Top 20 stocks constitutes 78.10% of Nifty
- Reliance is the top weight at 10.77%, followed by HDFC Bank at 10.66%
- HDFC Twins together constitutes 17.95% of Nifty
- Feb 2021 saw increase in weights of Financial Services, Oil and Gas, Metals, Power, Cement as compared to Jan 2021
- Feb 2021 saw decrease in weights of IT, Consumer goods, Telecom, Pharma as compared to Jan 2021
Also, from 1st March, GAIL will be replaced by Tata Consumer Products in Nifty 50