Every few weeks I just go through various global indices. Was marking out a few charts and breakouts.
Some observations
- Many global indices have broken out in the last 3-12 months.
- Quite a lot of them have rallied more than 10%.
- Some of the indices are at 15-20 year highs also.
- Dollar Index is at a 2 yr support. Will this be a false break like it did at the top or a major trend change.
- Some indices like Brazil are on verge of major long term breakouts.
- Nifty is not the only index which has rallied or rather it is one of the slower movers.
Just some quick charts
Dollar Index at 2 year support
Thailand – Getting close to a 20 year breakout
Taiwan – Makes a 20 year high finally.
China – The only one which is struggling the most.
Korea – A major breakout in 2017
S&P 500 – Up more than 20% since the breakout in mid of 2016
Russell 2000 – Up in all time highs but underperforming the Dow Jones and S&P 500.
Nikkei – Yet another attempt at a 20 year resistance.
Nasdaq 100 – Up 40-45% since crossing 2 year highs. The best performer.
Hang Seng – Yet another attempt to breakout 2 yr highs.
FTSE 100 – Sustaining above 15 years high but not catching momentum like others.
Dow Jones --- Up 15-18% since the last breakout.
DAX --- Pullback from all time highs and testing supports.
CAC --- Near a 8-10 year resistance.
Brazil – Near a 8-10 year breakout !!
Even Argentina is doing well
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