Training Programs in your City / Re-Union of Ex-Participants in Mumbai on 16th July

Over the years we have received a lot of requests to conduct the training programs in various city. Given that there are only 4 weekends a month and at least a couple of them got to be for personal and social commitments it has been difficult to co-ordinate and organize sessions in cities apart from Mumbai/Bangalore/Delhi.

We are planning to conduct sessions in various cities over this year. If you are interested in the training program , please express your interest with your details. You will be notified of the session whenever it gets planned for your city.

Technical Analysis Training - Request for Program in your City. The course fees is Rs 16000 generally. But for now we are doing on a Pay as much as you want Payment mode. Registration Fees will be Rs 5000. We will be able to plan a program in your city if we have more than 15-20 interested participants.


Re-Union of all Previous Participants of the Technical Analysis Training Programs in Mumbai.

Over the last 10-11 years we have been doing this training program across various cities and the count of participants would be at 500-1500. The course was earlier conducted by me and my mentor - N S Fidai and now for the last few years its only me. But for the reunion me , N S Fidai and Ankit will be present.

All those who have attended our 2 day program earlier can join in for the Re-Union in Mumbai 16th July.

The format is small sessions by the three of us and another 3-4 small sessions from participants on various topics of Technical Analysis / Trading Strategies/ Risk Management.

P.S - The session is only for ex-participants of the 2 day course. As we dont have the full database of ex participants have put this up on the blog. We plan to do a similar get together in Bangalore soon.


Personalized Services for Individuals/Corporates/hnis

There are quite a few people who have been asking for personalized and customized advisory services for individuals/corporates/hnis as well as training programs for a select group/corporates.

Or if you have something interesting to discuss can get in touch with me at the following address. Do call up on Nooresh 9819225396 before to fix up a time to meet.

P.S - I am a Registered Investment Adviser but do not consult on Financial Planning and purely focused on Equity.

Also looking out for a couple of interns/associates. If you or anyone else interested mail me on . Will mail the requirements.


A-502 Parsian CHS , Opp Nadco Shopping Centre,  V P Road, Andheri West - Mumbai 400 058.


  1. Hemant
    July 17, 2016

    Hi…are the course fees (16000) and the registration fees (5000) separate?


  2. harshit
    July 29, 2016

    Is there any upcoming training session in Mumbai which will be focusing on the basics of Technical analysis?


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