I really don’t know the exact date when I started blogging as the progress was this way.
Started writing on Orkut –> Blogger –> Transition to Self-hosted WordPress. ( also other chat forums on moneycontrol, poweryourtrade, icharts etc )
Realized it’s a 9 year anniversary when I got a linkedin notification with people congratulating. Think I started writing a bit before this but with the migration to wordpress maybe some of the older posts got deleted.
Also May marks my introduction into Markets through my Mentor and Guide – N S Fidai who taught me the basics and much more over the years and continues to guide in different aspects of life. Remember him and his friend talking about how markets would correct and drop big way irrespective of the election on the basis of technical analysis. In a few days 17th May 2004 – Black Monday happened which increased my curiosity towards technical analysis. I consider myself lucky to have started seeing the big down tick first as mostly people generally start in a bull market. .
It is almost 11 years in the market and 9-10 years writing on technical analysis. Hope that I have crossed the 10000 hours rule – Outliers and better things are in store.
I would like to thank each and every reader for their constant support,appreciation,criticisms,feedback through the last so many years. It is almost 2300 posts / 30-50 lakhs hits. Hope to pakao you for many more years.
Over the weekend attended the Traders Carnival 2015 as a speaker. It was amazing to see 200 passionate traders sitting from 9 am in the morning till 12 am in the night listening to the talks of speakers for 3 full days. There were a lot of interesting talks by Debashis Basu & Sucheta Dalal of www.Moneylife.in , Deepak Shenoy of www.capitalmind.in , Rajandran of www.marketcalls.in and many other speakers ( needs a different post). Also met one of the oldest online friend – Murtaza Attari with whom I used to chat in early days of blogging and still do intermittently.
A great thanks to Dharmaraj for inviting me to the event as well as for taking all the pains and hardship to organize an event of such scale in a superb way.
Below is my presentation for the 2 hour talk on How to become a Full Time Trader. There was a lot which was discussed verbally with a lot of timepass. Once the video is shared by DJ will put it up here.
Do send me your feedback and queries – nooreshtech@analyseindia.com will try to take it up in the webinar in this month. To register for the webinar - https://nooreshtech.co.in/2015/04/free-webinar-trading-technically-and-long-term-technical-view.html
May 5, 2015
Congratulations Nooresh. Since 2005 I have been reading your technical analysis related posts and I must say you are one of good analysts in TA space.
Some other TAs I know though have good knowledge and experience of 15-20 years they have over the time became rigid and closed minded so keep criticizing others than try to learn from every one. One should always have an open mind and willingness to learn from every one. They would never realize TA is much more beyond Drawdowns, MAs, RSIs And MACDs of the world :-).
Keep it up and spread knowledge to all,
May 6, 2015
Thanks for your kind words sir.
You have been one long time reader. Would love to meet sometime if in Mumbai
May 6, 2015
Hi Nooresh,
Hearty congrats and appreciate the long years of service to the investor community.. I started first following your blogs and write ups in moneycontrol during 2007, ended up using your services and finally learning good amount of TA, made me independent in the world of investing and for that i m highly thankful and you will always remain my mentor… For all the new investors i would highly recommend using his services…
May 6, 2015
Hi Manjunath,
Nice to hear from you as well as to see that you have become independent in your trading/investments. Thanks for the kind words.
May 6, 2015
Nooresh Bhai Superb presentation. I have attended your training twice and have been able to spot good trades. Now, I have been learning many things from my own mistakes as it is emotions which need to be managed rather money.
Thanks for rewinding some important slides along with simple explanation using pictures. All your students know how we are having whatsapp group chat which is very useful and knowledge oriented. We do get good advises from our Mentor Fidai sir also.
I am proud to be a part of your technical students group and fortunate enough to loose some money and learn with wonderful group.
I am great fan of your simple rule “WHEN SIMPLE THINGS WORK THAN WHY WE NEED MORE” and interestingly it is difficult to accept.
Wish you better days with better network and offcourse a lot of money.
May 6, 2015
Hi Manjunath,
Thanks for the kind words.
Yes whatsapp is helping all of us interact better.