We have been conducting technical analysis training workshops for the last 8-9 years now.
The 2 day training workshop has been priced at Rs 14000 for the last 8 years. We plan to increase the same in the next financial year. Hopefully will conduct more sessions next year instead of a few which we do now. ( Cannot be busy on all weekends )
So before we increase the prices we plan to do the following.
1) 3-4 sessions – Pay as you want. ( in Bangalore )
( Although the plan was to do the training only at my home city – Mumbai but we have been getting a lot of inquiries from bangalore so decided lets do one of these in Bangalore too )
The details for the Pay as you Want Session in Bangalore.
Technical Analysis Training Session – Bangalore - December 6-7
Course Details
Important Features
-> Less of Theory more of practical analysis with lot of examples.
-> Modes of Communication – English/Hindi
-> Learn how to use Meta Stock.
-> 1 Refresher Session any time in 6 months.
-> Small Batch Size of 15-20 participants.
The Topics to be covered given on this link
The Chancery
10/6, Lavelle Road,
Bangalore- 560001, India
Tel: +91-80-22276767, 41188888
09.30 a.m – 6 p.m
Nooresh Merani
Pay as you want.
(In cash/chq/neft at the venue or anytime after the course. Any number from 0 to Rs 14000. Can pay more too 🙂 )
To register and confirm your participation you need to make a payment of Rs 2500 ( refundable if you do not like the course)
This course is being done for Rs 14000 for many years and will be increased in next financial year.
-> No background or study of Technical Analysis
-> Basic Computer Skills.
-> A serious Interest in Learning Technical Analysis and ready to give time for practicing and continuing the practice.
There are limited seats and entry is on a first come first serve basis.
What does Pay as you Want mean ?
-> We have decided to keep 3-4 sessions in this financial year to benefit our old readers and participants interested in learning technical analysis.
-> Participants can pay as much as they want according to their assessment. ( If you do not like the course the Rs 2500 registration fee is also refundable).
-> The registration fee is kept so that only interested people register and there are no last minute cancellations.
-> The entries are on a first come first service basis with limited seats of 15-20 participants.
-> Further sessions will also be in Mumbai. If you want to have one in your home city do mail menooreshtech@analyseindia.com .
-> We are going to increase our prices for the training program in next financial year.( has been Rs 14000 since inception in 2006).
-> No background or study of Technical Analysis
-> Basic Computer Skills.
-> A serious Interest in Learning Technical Analysis and ready to give time for practicing and continuing the practice.
There are limited seats and entry is on a first come first serve basis.
For any queries please mail me on nooreshtech@analyseindia.com or Call on 09819225396 ( post market hours)
For any queries please mail me on nooreshtech@analyseindia.com or Call on 09819225396 ( post market hours)