This is one of the commodity trades mentioned a couple of days back by Analyse India team.
Short Copper at 386 and 389 stoploss 393 tgt 378-380.
Partial booking at 381-382 and fully at 376.
Above chart is when it was initiated as a sell.
This is the chart after the move.
For more details about our commodity service check
Will be out of town for next few days so may not update the blog.
Nooresh Merani
November 12, 2011
Mr. Nooresh is it good to buy JCT ELECTRONICS
November 15, 2011
No idea on the stock
November 13, 2011
hi Nooresh,
please advice on HiTechPlast and Piramal glass, i can hold for long term if worth holding also advice what is the right price to buy them?
November 15, 2011
Hitech Plast — Been a disappointment.
Piramal Glass —- Stock has broken technical levels so will wait for some time.
November 17, 2011
what is the advice for Hitech plast, to hang on or to average?
November 17, 2011
Hi bhanu,
Have been disappointed with the company so would prefer to shift.
November 15, 2011
Is there any thing wrong with Skumar results or some manipulation is happenig?????????
Please advise stuck @ 56 is there any possibility of getting back that level in next 6-8 months tiome.
Thanks in advance.
November 15, 2011
Hi Srinivas.
Was out of town for few days will look into it and let u know.