Time Analysis – Sensex can top out in next 2 weeks!

Yet again we are seeing a time cycle period approaching.But before that lets look into what was suggested previously.

Earlier according to the Time Analysis - Check Chart

The index bottomed around the time period exactly.

Later had posted a view about the possibility of Sensex crossing 18k in July 2nd week which is possible but the ending part of the move can be tricky – Click here to check chart

So on the positive side there is a possibility of an upmove in coming 2 weeks but thats just another 300-500 points but the risk-reward is no more favorable. Over the next few weeks though one can continue to carry the longs but AVOID LEVERAGE as part of discipline. Ride the momentum with trailing stoplosses and strong midcaps to conserve the gains.

Although i might be a little early in giving a discipline signal but its better to be alert then be caught unaware. The same disciplined approach helped us go leveraged at 16k buying where the rest were scared and were heavily rewarded. So now one needs to conserve gains and focus on increasing cash on rise as i expect the street to get optimistic now !

Would not be able to post the stock view for next 2-3 days as busy with the new office.

Again i would like to invite all the readers to bless us in our new business ventures opening on 10th July - Check details on this link for venue

Also if any of people interested would like to visit us for any purpose later on can drop us a mail on analyseindia@analyseindia.com or use the Contact Us page  to speak to the concerned persons.




  1. Rasesh
    July 8, 2010

    nooresh sir

    are mid cap or large cap outperform now? which sector will do best? IT?

    thaks sir

  2. harun
    July 9, 2010

    As u are giving caution signals sir should i get out of gtl infra at these levels as this one is not moving up and if mkt corrects i am sure it will also tank . pls guide and accept my heartiest wishes for ur new launch on july 10th . may u always prosper sir.

  3. Meetesh Kuhad
    July 9, 2010

    Dear Nooresh,

    If you think markets will top out in the next two weeks, what levels do you think it will go down to ??? Are we looking at 4800 on the nifty again ??

    Tnx in advance.

  4. Vivek
    July 11, 2010

    Dear Noresh,
    I have bought 5000 share of Nutek India Ltd. @Rs.50.Volumes have risen on Friday
    Can it go to Rs.60 Tehnically. CMP Rs 36

  5. vivek
    July 12, 2010

    Dear Noresh,
    I have bought 2000 share of Garden Silk Mills Ltd. @Rs.90.
    Can it go to Rs.100 Tehnically. CMP Rs 80


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