As discussed in our previous posts about the new Big Value 2.0. below is the link to subscribe for it via an online payment through instamojo
What do you get in Big Value Service?
-> 30-50 investment ideas in a year.
-> 2-4 investment ideas in a month.
-> Companies covered will be with good fundamentals, decent managements.
-> In most cases they would either be at a technical turnaround point or getting into a new uptrend.
-> Strategy would be to deploy equally into all companies (max 5% in one) and keep holding for a period of 1-2 years with partial profit booking to increase comfort in holding for long term. Ideally the holding period would be higher till the time the stock is highly overbought or overvalued with updates continuing on the stock all through the year.
-> The accumulation of stocks would be done over the next 1 year so one will be investing systematically and increasing allocation to equity in steps.
-> We would be focusing on companies which have good management record, decent dividends or growth so that the drawdown in case of a bad market trend is not huge. Also money would be deployed over a period of 1 year volatility would reduce.
-> In the long run a diversified stock portfolio can beat the benchmark index returns by a big margin. For example in a study we did for a random portfolio of stocks, outperformed the Nifty/Midcap Index returns over a 10 year period. This period had two rounds of bull/bear cycle. But going into good companies can reduce capital loss in the interim.
-> We do not focus on catching multibaggers or 10 baggers but it is about finding good risk-reward entries in quality stocks. Pleasant surprises are welcome.
-> There are no promised returns but the target is 20-30% annual returns along with beating the benchmarks by a good margin.
If you are interested and also would like to see the previous portfolios please fill the form below. Call 09899899989 Ankit for more details.
Thanks and Regards,
Nooresh Merani
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Cell – 09819225396