The plan was to conduct 6-12 training sessions in 2016 on the mode of Pay as much as u Want.
In the next financial year we may shift back to the old fees of Rs 16000 per participant and limited participants of 10-15.
The next training would be in Bangalore in February.
Technical Analysis Training Mumbai
21st and 22nd January
9 am to 6 pm
Venue :
Hotel Park View
37, Lallubhai Park Road
Andheri (W), Mumbai, 400058
Maharashtra – (India)
Tel: +(91)-(22)-2628 7222 /4074 2222
Fees - Pay as much as you want.
Registration Fees = Rs 4500
This is how much you can pay
1) Ask for registration fees to be refunded if you do not like the course.
2) Pay anything above Rs 4500.
Entries on a first come first save basis. Batch size 25-30 participants.
For any issues mail to
Registration and Payment Link -
Also you can do a UPI Payment ( try its pretty fast ) and mail to
Mobile No - 9819225396
MMID - 9240905
Eligibility - A serious interest and intent to learning Technical Analysis to help you in your trading/investment decisions. It is 16 hours of attention followed by another month or two of practice to build confidence. If not interested there are better ways to spend time on a weekend.
Course Content -
1) You will be added to the Whatsapp Group current batch particpants. Can share charts / learnings and connect with other participants.
2) Lots of reading material.
Why a shift to "Pay as much as much as You Want " ?
Its been almost 10 years since we have been conducting Technical Analysis Training for participants. The plan to make such a shift was to be in May 2016 when I would complete 10 years of writing this blog. But why wait so much( first step towards being less lazy.)
Over the last couple of years frequency of training programs has reduced as more time and energy is spent on Advisory Services, Personal Investments/Trading, Exclusive services for HNIs and Family. Training is generally done on Weekends with more social functions / networking meets/ vacations its difficult to do it often. ( I dont like to blame my laid back attitude or Laziness )
Its an observation that people prefer Free Tips/Blogs / Apps/ Newspapers/ Business Channels and Advisory Services over learning analysis. Making a trader/investor independent by training is not a good proposition for a business as wellunless your are charging a bomb or some mentoring/coaching courses for a big fee.
We have realized that even increasing fees is a not easy as some people take it to be an expense but not a learning which will stay for your trading/investing journey( it easier to spend money to buy a Call/Put Option worth multiples of Training Fees) . The fees in 2006 was 14000 and is 16000 in 2016 ( only increase is taxes). Maybe the attraction is not there coz the impact of learning technical analysis cannot be seen right away like in a trading recommendation.
Above all Training on Technical Analysis has helped me personal evolve into a much calmer and composed trader/investor due to the enormous amount of learning from particpants. Have been able to make some really good friends too. Been extremely lucky to have got such amazing and diverse set of people who have attended the training programs. Would Thank each of the participants till date.
"If you want to master something teach it "
In this way will be able to teach whatever little I know on Technical Analysis and its application to as many people as possible and alongwith get better at using it profitably.
I plan to meet a lot of people/ learn from everyone and share the learnings as well in coming Financial Year. Conducting training programs/seminars is just one of the ways to do that.
The plan is to conduct at least 6-12 Technical Analysis this year.
All readers who have suggestions or would like to meet/consult even for professional advise can feel free to connect on
hangouts -
Twitter -
Mobile - 9819225396
If you are looking for personalized investment advisory - you can meet me in Mumbai - A-502 Parsian Apts , V P Road, Andheri West , Mumbai - 58. Plz mail and confirm.
December 29, 2016
Hello Sir,
I am interested to learn the technical Analysis.I am not from Mumbai.Is there is any possibility to attend this course using webEx or Goto Meeting.
December 29, 2016
Not possible but you can check this webinar –